Nutrition Guidance

Our Nutrition Revamp program provides our clients with a total shift in perception of what it takes to eat healthy. Clients log everything eaten for one week and also at what times during the day their meals are eaten. Total calories are calculated and then the log is assessed. We then provide diet recommendations based on goals and your taste. The nutrition revamp program also includes accompaniment to your local grocery store of choice where we can explain food labels and what to look for when shopping.bgirl

For the average client our philosophy is that you include healthy food choices but do not constantly calorie count and stick to only certain meals. Unless diagnosed with a health condition or training for a specific event, such as a bodybuilding competition or track and field, these types of major diet changes create a high potential for failure with the average person. What is often overlooked is that an extreme diet or extreme shift in current diet can induce hormonal stress which promotes the accumulation fat around the midsection. The individual usually then reverts back to their previous diet and overcompensates resulting in a worse state then before they began the diet.

Compound Fitness feels it is important to maintain our client’s quality of life. Results can be obtained with healthy food choices made in moderation. We will analyze your current diet and can suggest healthy alternatives that you can implement.

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